Sunday, August 5, 2012

Crappy Ride

A few months ago I had the chance to prove my love for my wife Stephanie. I was on my way home from work and she called in a favor. Of course being a huge Avengers fan I decided to take the call like a true superhero. I said, "Yes my lady, your wish is my command." This was said before I had realized what was being asked of me. (ya know, the old foot in mouth sitch) The next words out of her mouth forever changed my car. "I need 6 bags of manure." Some of you may be thinking, "Manure isn't that bad just throw it in your trunk and take it like a man!" Well well well au contraire mon fraire this is the ride that I roll:

(Not my actual car. I am way too lazy to walk out into my garage and actually take a picture of my car. Google Images FTW)

Do you know how many bags of maure that you can fit into the trunk of a 2002 Mitsubushi Lancer? I do, 3. So for those of you keeping track that leaves 3 bags of manure that have to be put somewhere. That somewhere ended up being my back seat. 

Oh yeah, one more fun fact that I forgot to mention. The air conditioner in my car has been broken for about 2 years now. So picture this with your minds eye- I am rolling down I-15 going about 65 mph with 3 bags of manure in my back seat. The temperature outside is a balmy 90. Lets just say after a very short period of time the manure started to "Breath". The stench hit me about 10 minutes into the 40 minute drive. To this day when I am sitting in my car and the sun hits my seats just right I am reminded of that hot day when love overruled reason. 

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